Parenting Support Workshop

Parenting Support Workshop

Based on the Living Values Education Program, we will be hosting a series of workshops beginning in August for 6 consecutive Wednesdays. This will be a fun, interactive opportunity for all of us who have children or work and play with children. We will have lots of...

Insights into the Golden Age

Some insights into the Golden Age… “Paradise is being built again. Even in this darkest hour, secret forces are at work. Powerful souls, including the Most Powerful of all, are channelling the energy of purity into the material world…When we have reached...

Power and Love

Once again, Dadi Janki’s words hit the mark like a well-poised archer whose vision is keen and whose discipline has resulted in a bulls-eye every time. We become the beneficiaries of this accumulated wisdom and effort and are inspired to use this valuable time...

Do You Talk to Yourself?

I am so happy to share these weekly suggestions from one of my favorite mentors, who is indeed a living treasure for us all.  I hope you find these suggestions practical and accessible. May they add grace to your own spiritual journey.                    This...